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- ud83dudc69u200dud83euddbcSTEADY & RELIABLE - Comparing with the 3 wheel mobility scooter, 4 wheel is steadier and more reliable.
- ud83dudc69u200dud83euddbcFOLDABLE - Our mobility scooter can be folded up in your boot trunk. The seat is swivelable and backrest and armrest are foldable. The height of the seat, the angle of the tiller, the width of the armrest are all adjustable. You can travel with the whole family.ud83dudc68u200dud83dudc67u200dud83dudc67
- ud83dudc69u200dud83euddbcMULTIPLE USE - You can use it in most occasion. You can drive it to fishing with the basket. Or you can drive it to the park to play with your children or grandchildren. Perfect for daily use, supermarket, transportation, shopping mall, etc .
- ud83dudc69u200dud83euddbcINTUITIVE CONTROL - Rest your wrists on the bar and drive the scooter with the lever with no effort, whether use right or left hand! There is a variable speed dial, a switch for headlight, a horn button as well as a battery indicator on the panel for easy maneuverability.
- ud83dudc69u200dud83euddbcPERFECT SERVICE - Itu2019s just the beginning when you get our mobility scooter, we have a professional service team in US all round the country to provide perfect service. If you have any inquires when using it, just come to us, we will solve it immediately.